Resource volunteers are pleased to announce that March is Tale of Years month! Each day, many of the events that occurred on that day in the Tale of Years will be featured on the HASA Welcome Page. Be sure to stop by and see what events from the Research Library are highlighted each day!
The following members have a birthday this month. If you're in the drabbling mood, why not write them 100 words as a birthday card?
Elena Tiriel (March, 14) requested, "I'd love a drabble about any character, event, place, or object from Tolkien's world that especially fascinates you... the (Middle-earth) sky's the limit!"
Vistula the Dunadan (March, 20) requested, " ...having spent the past nine months settling into a new - long anticipated - home, I'd love a drabble centered around a new home, or new place to live. And if you could slip my dear Samwise in it somehow, that'd be even sweeter."
Obsidianj (March, 24) requested, " I would like a drabble about either Aragorn or Boromir and if it would be possible to have both in one drabble that would make my day."
The following drabbles have been written in the following week:
Epiphany by Larner for Elena Tiriel
Star-Songs of the Eorlingas by Tanaqui for Elena Tiriel
The Legend of the Grey Riders by Jay of Lasgalen for Elena Tiriel
New Quarters by Larner for Vistula
If you have a birthday in March and would like a drabble about your favorite character or topic, you can request it here.
This week's focus:
The HASA Research Library is a very useful resource for writers as well as for online discussions on book canon. You can find entries on characters, settings, events, and items, containing cited quotes about the item you are trying to find more information on. This portion of the site is available to both members and non-members at
Would you like to get involved with Resources? If you like researching and want to help develop this section of HASA you can contact the Resources & Research Library through the contact form at
What's new in Resources:
Timeline Events
Corsairs attack the South Road to Minas Tirith
Fëanor improves the written alphabet of Rúmil
Character Biographies
Rúmil of Tirion
Mounds of Mundburg
And always remember, grasshopper: the path of wisdom leads through proper citations. *grins*
Good luck researching your story! If you enjoy this section of the site please feel free to thank the researchers, listed at the bottom of every entry.
Until next time,
Hugs and Cookies,
PS: Do you have something in particular you would like included in next week's announcement? If so, please email HASA News.
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