Wednesday, March 5, 2008


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No website is truly free. HASA does not display ads or charge for memberships, but there are still costs associated with running the website. The website depends on member donations to pay its monthly hosting fee of $150.00.

If anyone would like to make a donation, you may do so here.


Resource volunteers are pleased to announce that March is Tale of Years month! Each day, many of the events that occurred on that day in the Tale of Years will be featured on the HASA Welcome Page. Be sure to stop by and see what events from the Research Library are highlighted each day!


There are no members asking for birthday drabbles for March. If you are a
March baby, go and request your drabble!

DRABBLE SUGGESTION: Jay of Lasgalen suggested:

It's not my birthday, but today (March 2nd) is Mother's Day here in the UK. How about drabbles with any mother and child of your choice?

This Week's Focus:


X takes the Ring - AU challenge – Closes March 25, 2008

This challenge states: I have seen a few stories over the years where for instance Galadriel takes the Ring when Frodo offers it to her. But what would happen if others were to take it, for any reason, good or evil? Aragorn? Boromir, Gandalf, or Pippin perhaps? Or Sam abandons Frodo at Cirith Ungol and goes on alone to try to destroy the Ring...

It wouldn't have to be a member of the Fellowship; maybe Barliman Butterbur finds a golden ring in the room the Hobbits used… or Bilbo loses it on one of his walking trips in the Shire…

These could be anything, serious, funny, dark; from drabbles to multi-chapter AUs, and anything in between.

Entries for this challenge include:
Answering the Call by docmon
A Lesser Treason by Jay of Lasgalen
Dark Elf by Jay of Lasgalen
Old Man Willow by Nath

If you don’t have a story written yet, you can enter the challenge with a placeholder and submit your story when it is ready.

Nuzgul Hutch

If you’re brave enough… venture into the Nuzgul hutch.

Oliphaunt Pen

Or, if none of those little buggers nip at your heel, it’s not too late to adopt an Oliphaunt. Just because its challenge is closed, doesn’t mean it doesn’t need a little love.

Happy writing!

Hugs and Cookies,

PS: Do you have something in particular you would like included in next week's announcement? If so, please email HASA News.

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