Open Doors
As you may have read already, Anglachel is working with the Open Doors project to see what they can do to save the stories on the site. Please keep in mind that if this works, not everything will be transferred. Things that will NOT be moved to Open Doors:
- Stories with a 'Beta' status
- Comments
- Reviews
- Discussions
- Chapter view click counts
You have to save these yourself if you want to keep them!
Other news
MEFA links – For anyone who's had a story nominated for the MEFAs, there's an archive kept at with information about the stories, including the link the author provided at the time. If you'd like that link changed (because it's at HASA or otherwise outdated), go to the MEFA Livejournal for the details. And thank you, Aranel, for taking on this task!
Archives – There are many archives, and this list is in no way exhaustive, or meant to be so – please tell us about sites we overlooked in the discussion thread.
Many Paths to Tread, Silmarillion Writers Guild and Faerie have offered to help authors who want to transfer their stories, for which we can only say a heartfelt Thank you! Please contact their admins for details.
- Many Paths to Tread
- Silmarillion Writers Guild , including the Library of Tirion project
- Faerie - also allows authors to upload reviews
- Archive of our own
- Tolkienfanfiction
- Lord of the Rings Fanfiction
- Stories of Arda
- Naice a Nilme gen stories about Aragorn and/or Legolas
Do check out the content and rating policies of the site(s) you want to post on before deciding on where to migrate to. Also, so that we can attempt to build a directory of authors, tell us where you will go, or any other site(s) you already post on. Please use this post on the HASA LJ or the discussion thread at HASA itself for that!
Help wanted – If you have time between now and the end of the year and you want to do something to help, why not help the Many Paths to Tread and Silmarillion Writers Guild admins in transferring stories? Contact them through the sites to see if there's something you can do!