How do I...
...add an item to the Research Cabinet?
- Log in to HASA.
- Go to the Resources section of the site.
- Browse for a Research Library item you would like to add to your cabinet. The items you can add are:
a. Timeline Events
b. Character Bios
c. Places
d. Things
e. Full Text Searches (Note - you have to save a search before you can add it to your Cabinet) - Once you have found the Library item you want to add to you Research Cabinet, look for the right-hand menu box labeled "Research Cabinet".
- In the Research Cabinet box, click the "Add this [item] to research cabinet".
- The page refreshes and the item is added to your cabinet.
At this point, you can leave the item loose in the Cabinet, add it to a Notebook, and/or create a Research Note to go with it.
How to add a Notebook to the Cabinet
Notebooks are like folders inside your Cabinet where you can put items to keep them organized. Unlike real life folders and notebooks, HASA Notebooks let you add your cabinet items to multiple notebooks. For example, you might be writing a story with Elladan as a main character and Aragorn as a minor character, and another story with Aragorn as the major character, but no Elladan. You can create a Notebook for your Elladan story and another for your Aragorn story, and put the Aragorn research items in both notebooks, including Research Notes!
You can add a new notebook from any Research Library item, from the main Research Cabinet page, from an existing Notebook and from any Research Note page.
- Log in to HASA.
- Go to the Resources section of the site.
- Be on any of the pages listed above.
- On that page, look for an "Add Notebook" button.
a. On a Research Library item, it will be in the Research Cabinet box at the end of the Notebooks list.
b. In the Research Cabinet, it will be in the dark green header of your "My Notebooks" list on the cabinet main page, on a Notebook page and on a Research Note page. - Click the button.
- You will see an Add Notebook form.
- Provide a name and a brief description for your notebook. Short names display better on screen.
- Click "Add Notebook".
- The page will refresh and you will see your new notebook, ready for items to be added to it.
- To return to where you started, locate the information box about this notebook in the right hand menu, located immediately under the folded up main menu.
- Click the "Return to Browsing" button.
How to Add a Research Note to the Cabinet
Research notes are your comments, ideas, thoughts, and notes that you want to have accessible to you no matter where you are. Anywhere you have internet access, you have your story notes, organized how you need them. You can link them to any or all of your Notebooks, toss them "loose" into the Cabinet, and link any Cabinet item to them. You can have notes on characters, on plot ideas, on timelines, you name it, as many as you need holding whatever makes sense to you.
You can add a new Research Note from any Research Library item, from the main Research Cabinet page, from an existing Notebook and from any Research Note page.
- Log in to HASA.
- Go to the Resources section of the site.
- Be on any of the pages listed above.
- On that page, look for an "Add Note" button.
a. On a Research Library item, it will be in the Research Cabinet box at the end of the Research Notes list.
b. In the Research Cabinet, it will be in the dark green header of your "Research Notes" list on the cabinet main page and on a Notebook page.
c. On a Research Note page, it will be a button at the top of the displayed note, plus the button is repeated in the right-hand "Research Notes" box header. - Click the button.
- You will see an Add Research Note form.
- Provide a name for your research note. Short names display better on screen.
- The text field is exactly like the one for story chapters. You can copy/paste text in, type new material, add hyperlinks, and so forth.
- When you are done entering information, click
- The page will refresh:
a. If you added a new page from a Research Note page, you will immediately view your new note.
b. If you added the note from any other page, you will return to wherever you were when you clicked "Add Note". Your new note will be linked in the Research Notes list on that page.
You now can link any Cabinet item to the note or add the note to one or more Notebooks. Add more information to your Research Note as you do your research.
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