Still no December birthday requests! If you have a birthday birthday and would like a drabble, why not post a request at
If you're unsure how it all works, send up a red flag at that same forum, and Imhiriel the Challenges Assistant who works with birthday drabbles will be glad to help you.
This week's focus:
All of us writers love feedback. It is the lembas and miruvor that sustains us as we write our story, and leaving a few words about a story is always a nice thing to do, whether the story is new or old.
Every fifteen minutes HASA hilights a story chosen at random from the Reviewed and General stories in the archive. The current story is
"A Creature of Fire by daw
Why not go to and check out the currently featured story?
Many talented writers are publishing every day. Check out these stories just added to HASA:
Reviewed Stories ---
Of Like Passion by Adaneth
The fiends have been slain, and the Men and Dwarves of Dûnhebaid are hoping for peace and prosperity. Yet monstrous foes make other irritations seem trifling. Out of that shade, quarrels are like to bloom . . . and Lindon takes steps to deal with the interlopers. The Dûnhebaid Cycle, Part III.
My Oaths Will I Keep by Encaitariel
A story of Gildor Inglorion, following In This Far Land. Beren, son of Barahir, comes to Nargothrond.
General Stories ---
West of the Moon, East of the Sun by Armariel
A sequel to "Light from the West"...the story of the reunion of Sam and Frodo in the Undying Lands. (WIP)
Unto the Ending of the World by Nath
Dark AU, diverging from the end of the Two Towers: Sauron regains his Ring in Ithilien, and a very bleak world emerges. (WIP)
Beta Stories ---
(Please note, you need to be logged in to view these stories.)
A Reason for Hope by Lady Donalwen
A-U. Arwen and her firend Doni are returning home to Rivendell from Lothlorien when they are attacked by a band of orcs. The attack leaves them both unconscious and when they wake up in Rivendell, they find that they have been switched; Arwen is mistaken for Doni and sent to Dale as a lady's maid while an unconscious Doni, mistaken for a dead Arwen, is laid to rest and later rescued. (WIP)
The Sins of the Fathers: Tirion by Mirefinwe
Three Ages in the life of a city.
For your mid-month nuzgul, I'd like to point you to the drabble challenge currently going on at the there_n_back LiveJournal community. Lots of HASA-ites are participating. Every day, an illustration from a Tolkien calendar is posted to the community, and members respond with drabbles about the illustration. It's a good way to write if you don't have a lot of time.
The illustration is posted each day at
If you don't feel the tickle of little fangs in your ankle yet, there are many more potential stories just waiting to be written. Read all of HASA's many story prompts in our Nuzgul hutch.
Do you have a suggestion you'd like to see added to the hutch? Submit it using the "Submit a Story Suggestion" form.
Happy reviewing!
PS- Do you have something in particular you would like included in next week's announcement? If so, please email HASANews(at)henneth-annun(dot)not.
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