Sunday, October 14, 2007


The following members have birthday this week. If you're in the drabbling mood, why not write them 100 words as a birthday card?

Peregrin Ionad (October 8) said "I'd love any thing about the Sons of Elrond, Legolas and Aragorn, but I'm not adverse to the hobbits, Faramir, Glorfindel or Thranduil either!"


The volunteer team has put together a series of common myths about the HASA Review Process. Check it out today, and feel free to comment if you'd like to discuss any of these points, or just have a question.

This week's focus:


The HASA Research Library is a very useful resource for writers as well as for online discussions on book canon. You can find entries on characters, settings, events, and items, containing cited quotes about the item you are trying to find more information on. This portion of the site is available to both members and non-members here.

Would you like to get involved with Resources? If you like researching and want to help develop this section of HASA you can contact the Resources & Research Library through the contact form.

What's new in Resources:

Timeline Events:
Theoden adopts Eomer and Eowyn and raises them in Edoras.
Saruman attempts to kill Frodo at Bag End.

Character Biographies
Belladonna Took

Dome of Stars
The Sammath Naur

Bilbo's Mithril Coat
Aeglos (weapon)

Good luck researching your story! If you enjoy this section of the site please feel free to thank the researchers, listed at the bottom of every entry.

And always remember, grasshopper: the path of wisdom leads through proper citations. *grins*


PS- Do you have something in particular you would like included in next week's announcement? If so, please email me.

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