Sunday, March 18, 2007

Qtr. 2 Fund Drive Success

Current Qtr. 2 fund drive total - $200!

Goal - $160

3/10 - $25
3/11 - $20
3/11 - $10
3/16 - $10
3/17 - $25
3/17 - $10
3/17 - $100

Total Collected: $200

Distance to Goal: We are $40 above goal!

If you intended to donate, you can still do so. Your contributions will be applied towards Qtr. 3 funding.

Thank you to our donors!


Sunday, March 11, 2007

The Alphabet of Middle-earth - Writing Cues for B2MeM

Just like last year, the month of March is dedicated to Middle-earth. No matter if you have not been there in ages or if you have never left, And of course "There and Back Again",along with HASA, has prepared something to celebrate B2MeM again, as well.

We proudly present a new series of writing cues for B2MeM:

The Alphabet of Middle-earth

"The Alphabet of Middle-earth" is a series of short cues to inspire you. We have included some very special "characters" so that there are exactly 31 cues to titillate your muses. One for each day of B2MeM.

We invite you to pick up any cue, any time and to post your take as a comment for the relevant entry in the LiveJournal Community "There and Back Again" , onlist over at the "Henneth Annun Yahoo Group", or in the HASA Back to Middle Earth Month Workshop and Alphabet of Middle Earth Challenge Write a drabble, a drouble, a tribble, a quabble or a quibble! Write 100, 200, 300, 400or 500 words! No matter if it's serious or silly, anything goes.

The daily prompts will be posted in the "There and Back Again" forum here at HASA and in the Workshop.

Have fun, have muses, have drabbles!


JunoMagic & Aranel Took

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Qtr. 2 2007 Hosting Fund Drive

HASA has fixed hosting costs of $150 per month. This pays all server and bandwidth costs and allows HASA to keep membership free and not accept advertisements.

At the end of each quarter, we ask for donations to cover the upcoming quarter's bills. In addition, HASA has a secret admirer who match every donation dollar for dollar up to $100 per month.

Our current balance for Qtr. 2 is $131. That's only $19 short for paying the April hosting bill.

Our fund drive goal for Qtr. 2 is $160. With matching funds and the current balance, that will pay all hosting through June 2007.

There is no minimum donation amount, and most donations are for $20 or less. Small amounts add up quickly, particularly with our matching funds system.

If you don't have money but do have some time to donate, we're always in need of volunteers.

Thanks in advance for your support!


Another HASA News Venue - The Herald

HASA members are a diverse group. Many have Live Journal accounts, others belong to a number of Yahoo lists, and still more use Blogger/Blogspot.

We've just created a Blogger site for HASA news: Henneth Annûn Herald

If you already are used to reading the news at the LiveJournal community site or on Yahoo, you don't need to change over. It will simply repeat the standard news list. Like the LiveJournal and Yahoo news, you can post a comment/reply. Comments will be held for review to prevent spam.

Why is this site being added, if it is just the same news? Blogger is heavily indexed by Google and other blog reader sites. By getting our news into different venues, we increase the reading audience and make it easier for fans to find out what HASA is up to.

Here's something to consider - Do you have fandom news? A new site or list, an unusual challenge, a new community to promote? Send it in to HASA News! Requirements: The announcement must be suitable for all audiences and be publication ready.
